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Welcome to the Animal World (10" x 8")
Ochan (my cockataiel)
Ochan was able to say hello in Japanese and used to wave his foot while saying good bye!
Yellow Eyed Penguin by Moonlight
The scenery was inspired by the seaport by moonlight (Claude-Joseph Vernet).
Owl under Cafe Terrace Starss
The scenery was inspired by Cafe Terrace at Night by Gogh. The owl
Blackbird in the Garden
I love those blackbird. They sing so well...
Quokka in the Wheatfield with Cypresse
I was imagining if the quokka was enjoying picking a flower in the Gogh's Wheatfield with Cypresses scenery.
Baby Seal at the Bay
This is a baby seal. Imagining that she was at the beach in Dunedin.
Rabbit in the Wheatfield with Cypresses
The rabbit enjoyed the smell of flower in the Wheatfield with Cypresses by Gogh.
Swans in the Monet's Garden
The beautiful swan parents in the Monet's pond...
Some of above paintings are inspired by various website images and open source libraries. It is uniquely altered, created and designed by the artist.
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